National resonator and National/Valco electric map shaped vintage guitars history and collecting.Private vintage guitar collector. Severalother resonator brand names were also used such as Ward, but these are in fact still Regal/Dobro made resonator guitars.All metalbody Regal/Dobros have 14 frets clear of the body. Regal (which was Dobro's exclusive licensee) also mademetal body resonator guitars with their brand name and also the 'Old Kraftman' name. Most Dobros have wooden bodies, but Dobro also made metalbody guitars from1935 to 1940 only. Right:1935-1940 No.62 Dobro with a fiddle edge. Left:1935-1940 No.32 with a gold 'frosted Duco' krinkle finish. If it has a smooth edge, it's a reissue made from1970 or newer. If your metal body Dobro has a 'fiddle edge', than it was made from 1935 to 1940. The Dobrohas an eight legged bridge support (called a 'spider') that spans the dishand conducts the string vibrations (compared to National's biscuit system). The Dobro resonator isdish-shaped, opposite of the volcano-shaped National resonator. But in fact, they are fundamentally different in construction and design. The Dobro is a single cone resonator guitar that is easily confused at firstglace with the single cone National guitars.

Nickel Plated Metal body Dobro Resonators: